What's New Saturday April 26, 2008?????

on 4/25/08 11:22 pm - Bradenton, FL
Happy Birthday Debbie G!!!!! Hope you have a great day today. I am making a jello mold to take to a friends house for dinner to celebrate the ending of Passover. I am glad it is over. I think the Matza didme in. I am off work today and need a day off. Nothing much else going on. Carla 
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Connie D.
on 4/25/08 11:52 pm
Good Morning Debbie and everyone...... Just popping in to check the board. All looks well with everyone so far. I am in Iowa. The trip was a long one and I am glad to be here. I left at 5:00AM yesterday and caught up with Nic and my daughter at the hospital when I got here. Nic was getting set up for his chemo and radiation to be done here. That is great for him but sad for me. I always looked forward to them staying with me while he had that done. It sure will help them with the stress and money situation for them. All the gas would have been awfully expensive traveling back and forth. Had a great day with everyone yesterday. I love them so much!! Not sure what will be on the agenda today yet. It will be good no matter what it is!! Just being with them is good enough for me. Hope everyone has a good weekend. I will pop in when I can. Hugs, connie d
karen C.
on 4/25/08 11:59 pm, edited 4/26/08 12:01 am - Kennewick, WA

Happy birthday Debbie!

My oh my, but these little girls are keeping us all hopping! Every 3 hours we do  the "baby alarm!": pick up, cuddle, change, feed, burp, put back to bed and pass out for a couple more hours.

Erin and I had a twins fashion show yesterday. She just kept bringing out adorable little outfits.  She organized everything according to size and put most in see through tubs. When they outgrow one size she can just rotate the tubs.

My daughter the anal, retentive accountant! But she has got this twins things down!

We took them to their daddy's baseball game yesterday afternoon. The sun was shining (a rare thing in April in this neck of the woods!) We each had a front pack and they just snoozed away the whole time.

Today after the next feeding, I'll head up to my oldest brother's north of Seattle for  the night. I'll return to Erin's tomorrow afternoon in time for Erin and Josh  to hopefully go out to dinner for a couple of hours. Between puppies and babies it has been non stop around here.

So sorry to hear about Rusty's mother. Her mom sure raised a keeper. I hope she finds peace in knowing that she did all she could.

I hear babies and Maggie wants out also. You all take care. Karen C

Karen C

Karen S.
on 4/26/08 1:09 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha beautiful Debbie G.....and HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I wasn't going to post, but just had to throw in my two cents when I saw it was your special day.

I'm up in the wee hours (5:00 a.m.) and will soon leave for the hospital and "my babies." Saturday rolls around so fast when that's my baby day.

The past week I have been busier than usual with "decluttering" my place and getting my mind and body around the idea of leaving for two weeks to go to the mainland to help my son and DIL move and with the baby due on May 12th. She is scheduled to be induced on the 12th, even though her due date is the 22nd because she is so tiny and her babies get SO BIG! Both Brock and Brady were over 9.5 lbs.!! My DIL is about 5'2" and weighs nothing. Of course my son is 6'4" and 220 lbs.!! I wonder why those babies get so big.........duh!!

I'm through my whole antibiotic treatment for diverticulitis.....and I hope it helps, although yesterday I had a tummy ache all day, and worry that that wasn't the problem at all. What I DON'T need or want is to get sick while I'm in Calif. with the kids. Sigh.

Karen C. sounds happily engaged in babyland....both puppy and baby people!! I'm so happy for her and her wonderful family.

Many of you are busy and living your lives fully.........that always makes me feel good, and I almost always start my day with you all....AND my Kona coffee! It just seems like a warm and fuzzy chat with my sisters and brothers before starting to do whatever the day holds.

Hugs to you all.......present, or busy and off living life. I am thankful every day for all of you, and for WLS which has changed so many of our lives forever.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
on 4/26/08 1:52 am - CA
Happy Birthday Debbie!  And..... hello everyone.... I hope you enjoy your birthday today!  I just know you will. I've been so busy at work catching up from taking time for hubby of late that I've only had time to read and not post.  Going to spend the weekend doing errands and cleaning.  Our weather is expected to be hot.  I might even brave trying to get in the swimming pool!  I love to swim but fear it might still be cool waters.....   We're going out with friends a little later this afternoon for late lunch/early dinner.  That's always fun and full a chatter and laughs. My little 2-year old grandson is going to Disneyland today with the tickets we gave him for his birthday!  I'm anxious to hear how that goes.  I know he will love it and his parents will have a great time as well. Take care.  Enjoy your birthday Debbie!  Hugs, Kathi
Cajun Angel
on 4/26/08 2:47 am - New Orleans, LA
Well, if it isn't the birthday girl who got us started!  Happy Birthday Debbie!  Our youngest turns 30 today!  Already got his cake made, been to the grocery to get ice cream (Ethan wants ice cream for daddy's birthday), have a turkey breast just about ready to come out of the oven, and almost done with laundry.  I can hear thunder rumbling in the distance, if it rains, I hope it passes quickly 'cause we have a baseball game tonight.  We've expecting temps in the low 80s!   Our dinner last night was awful.  The seafood canneloni (sp) had so much crab shell in it, we sent it back.  The second time no shell, but by then we were disgusted.  Even the desserts were a flop - bread pudding and cheesecake serves at room temperature.  Well, at least the company was pleasant!  There are too many excellent place to eat around here with excellent service to spend money on incompetence and crappy food.  I'm beginning to believe the lady who puts these outings together must get a kickback. Gotta go check the turkey breast and change the last of the laundry from washer to dryer! Have a great weekend! Gone fishing tomorrow if it don't rain! Debbie
on 4/26/08 2:47 am, edited 4/26/08 2:50 am - Pittsburgh, PA

Howdy sistahs and bros,          Good Day  Haven't posted much lately, life is so crazy.  The in-laws are still hanging in there....FIL is now in a nursing home and trying to get stronger to have the cancer surgery/reconstruction and MIL is home with much trepidation...she does have a nurse daily and my DH stays during the week. (Gives me a bit of peace and quiet since my adjustment to his retirement has not been so positive!!).                             Lava Lamp      Do Not Disturb  My DS has kept me hopping...track, scouts, school, skating, yada yada yada!  I even had a few procedures this week...heart stuff...don't think it is anything serious, but should get results by Friday.  I think my ticker is tickin just right.                                 Mouse On Wheel        Multitasking  This morning, my DS and DH went to see the "Bodies" exhibit at the Science Center. It is very controversial, but he wanted to go before it left the city.  The Scouts went and were prepped for it.  Apparently with the news about it in the media, there are lots of ethics questions being raised.  I tried to prepare him as much as I could, but for some reason, pubescent 13 year old boys are totally smart and resilient!!  We'll see...if there is even 1 nightmare tonight, so help me, I will f#$&*........well you get the picture.                      Freak            Crazy  I wish y'all a great and wonderful Saturday.  It is 75 degrees and sunny in the 'Burgh!!  Yippee!                                                Sunny            Hugs, Lora 

Brenda R.
on 4/26/08 3:02 am - Portage, IN
 Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Debbie, Happy Birthday to you!!!  Birthday Birthday Song Birthday Balloons Birthday Banner Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Surprise Present    Birthday Cake       Birthday Card 

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 4/26/08 4:03 am - Somewhere in, NY
Happy Birthday, dear Debbie, and thank you for starting the thread! I hope you have a wonderful time tonight.  I give you so much credit for being so positive about meeting someone.  I agree with you about meeting men on line.  I figure that I'm normal (or some approximation of it...), so there should be some normal men out there, too.  As my years alone add up, though, I find that being alone (with my kitties) seems to suit my personality.  But I hope you meet someone who will appreciate you and treasure you, 'cause you deserve it! I just got back from a perennial sale with my girlfriend, and on the way home the car kept turning inot garage sales and rummage sales.  Got some good name brand clothing for my grandson, and some new garden toys for me.  It was a very rewarding day.  Then, to make the day perfect, it started to rain as I pulled in the driveway, so instead of having to work in the yard today because the weather is nice, I can be lazy for the rest of the day.  I can certainly use the down time.  I've been exhausted all week.  Had my 2 year labs done last week.  I'll be interested in seeing how they are.   So, I get to lie around like a slug and be lazy till I go out to dinner tonight.  If the weather is nice, I always feel guilty sitting and doing nothing. I'm planning on working on my resume a bit, too, as I have an job interview scheduled for Tuesday.  My fingers are crossed... That's a darn near perfect day, for me, at least. Everyone have a great day. Candy


on 4/26/08 6:57 am - Golden, CO
Thanks to everyone for being so supportive and giving. I really don't have any set plans for today...whatever comes I guess. My mom was positively addicted to the "America's Next Top Model" show. Being with her so many weeks gave me the opportunity to view the same 4 seasons of that show many times over. It's on all day today so, for now, I'm sitting and knitting with that show in the background. My DH hates the show and has decided working on finishing the basement is a way to get away from it.
Tomorrow is blood pressure day at church. Every time I use it I send up a special prayer for the wonderful women who gave me my electronic stethoscope last year. It magnifies sound 18 times louder and enables me to do blood pressures and hear heart and breath sounds...and feel like I can still do some kinds of nursing. My parish nursing job is often visiting shut-ins, so my stethoscope comes in handy there as well.
Hope all have a terrific weekend.

 Cheers, Rusty
"You're too blessed to be stressed...so live like you're blessed."

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